Wednesday, January 9

His name is Mose

'The young man...ain't nothing in the world these days..'
I feel I need to apologize for my mood last night. You wanted to hear some music and enjoy the Cabernet but I was focused on my petty issues. I'm overly sensitive, I know, I know. You'd think my 40+ years would have helped developed a thicker skin, but sometimes it seems like life has worn away what little protection I had and now the slightest breeze knocks me over. See? It is the next day and still I'm going on.

You really enjoyed the music and we didn't have much time to talk about it. I put on Mose Allison Sings (Prestige, 1963). I was surprised you weren't familiar with him. This album caused an explosion in the UK when it was released much like the Velvet Underground did in the US a few years later when they sold something like 5000 albums, but everyone who bought the albums formed a band. You recognized Young Man's Blues from the Who's version, which is great, but as much as I love John Entwistle, I've got to say Mose's version does it for me.

I look forward to the next time we get together, old friend, and I promise that I will be in better spirits.

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