Saturday, May 7

Post-birthday party

everyone digs Bill Evans
Whew.  It's over.

Everyone's gone home and babies are in bed after a busy and wonderful day.  Not sure what is in store this evening but I think it would be a good night to chill out with some fabulous Bill Evan's Live at the Village Vanguard.  Perhaps the wonderful song 'Gloria's Step'.  Isn't that a great song?  Don't you love Scott LeFaro's bass?  I could get mournful here and talk about his tragic end shortly after this recording, but as I have said many times, we dwell on the positive here.  Let's focus on his masterful technique and not talk about the tragic car accident.

 I know I have talked about this Bill Evans album before, my friends, and with good reason.

It's one of the greatest.


  1. Definitely agree about the Village Vanguard. I guess it's stating the obvious to say that his work on Kind of Blue was stellar, too, and perhaps less obviously in 1958 Miles.

  2. I often thought it was a shame that he left Miles' band after so short a stay. I would love to hear the music that could have been!
